Aftermovie pentru compania de dans Summer Dance Forever

Aftermovie pentru evenimentul Next Steps, pentru Baletul National Olanda

Aftermovie pentru workshopul de dans de la Henny Jurriens Studios, Amsterdam

Aftermovie al evenimentului Ziua Magreb organizat de Kunsten Dialoog în Amsterdam

Aftermovie pentru Muzeul EICAS din Deventer, Olanda

Aftermovie al evenimentului FrelancerTalk in Amsterdam

Aftermovie al evenimentului Opera Day organizat de Kunsten Dialoog în Amsterdam

Aftermovie pentru workshopul de dans de la Henny Jurriens Studios, Amsterdam

Aftermovie al evenimentului Ziua Flamenco organizat de Kunsten Dialoog în Amsterdam

Aftermovie al evenimentului Ziua Muzicii Turceasca organizat de Kunsten Dialoog în Amsterdam

Aftermovie al workshop-ului Slagwerk Den Haag

Aftermovie al evenimentului Ziua Bluegrass organizat de Kunsten Dialoog în Amsterdam

Aftermovie al evenimentului Ziua Copiilor organizat de Kunsten Dialoog

Aftermovie al evenimentului Ziua Operei organizat de Kunsten Dialoog în Amsterdam


An event can offer so many great moments and the best way to share it with the audience who wasn’t present, is by capturing those moments into a professional video. Unframed Visuals has specialised in filming a variety of events ranging from workshops, conferences, music festivals, stores openings, lectures, concerts, markets, lectures. For these events clients usually require a video of 1-3 minutes showing as many aspects of these events as possible, its characteristics, products, services and the people who attended. Such videos are very popular and they can contain a great amount of information through incorporating graphics, names, posters & flyers, credits, music, sounds and more. They do very well on social medias as well as on websites landing pages and range in length between 1-2 minutes.


